How to Get Dot Crosshair in CS2 [GUIDE]

How to get Dot Crosshair in CS2

Since the game offers granular crosshair customization, you can achieve the elusive single-pixel dot crosshair in CS2 favored by some dedicated aiming purists.

Here’s how you can get it:

CS2 Dot Crosshair Settings

Open the game and go to settings, then head over to the Crosshair tab. Click on it and here you will be able to create your dot crosshair like this:

  1. Crosshair style: Classic Static
  2. Center Dot: No
  3. Length: 0
  4. Thickness: 1 (adjust accordingly)
  5. Gap: -5.0
  6. Outline: Enabled
  7. Red: 255 (optional)
  8. Green: 0 (optional)
  9. Blue: 0 (optional)
Result of the above settings for CS2 Dot crosshair
How the dot crosshair looks like in CS2

As always you can test around different settings until you’re happy with the result and get the crosshair that you like and feel that you have the best aim with.

For me, it’s a single black dot, with 1.6 thickness since I don’t like the smaller sizes (makes it difficult to place fast on the target’s head).

Related article: How to Fix Lag and Low FPS in CS2

Benefits of a Single-Pixel Dot Crosshair

  • Maximum Precision: The smallest possible aiming point offers unobscured vision, crucial for those pinpoint long-range shots.
  • Reduced Distraction: A minimalist crosshair can help maintain focus during intense firefights such as when needing to win a clutch.
  • Customization Potential: While starting with a simple dot, experiment with outline, dynamic changes, or other features CS2 may offer.

Things To Keep In Mind About the CS2 Dot Crosshair

  • Visibility: A single pixel may be difficult to see on certain maps or in dark environments. Experiment with crosshair colors or consider a slightly larger dot if this is an issue.
  • Playstyle: A single-pixel dot excels for long-distance precision aiming but might feel less comfortable for close-quarters combat or tracking fast-moving targets.

Get the Competitive Edge

If you’re obsessed with pure, unadulterated aiming precision, CS2’s single-pixel dot crosshair option could be a game-changer.

Practice diligently, and you might just surprise yourself with a noticeable improvement in your headshot accuracy!

Want to get a better aim in CS2? Try out our free online aim trainer, to improve your reaction time and reflexes so that you can perform better in your next competitive match.

Related article: How to Change FOV and Viewmodel in CS2

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